This is a GREAT recipe. Do not let the ingredients scare you, they combine to make a really great taste. The pork is so moist and tender that it will fall...
This traditional crown roast recipe is intended for an 11-rib roast (about 5-1/2 pounds). This recipe is easily doubled since the stuffing makes enough...
This is a delicious pork loin and cabbage recipe, topped with mashed potatoes! Well worth the effort that needs to go into it. Make sure you have a meat...
Garlic-studded, herb-rubbed pork shoulder is such a great cut of meat. I cooked it in a pan without liquid, without covering it, and without cooking it...
Garlic-studded, herb-rubbed pork shoulder is such a great cut of meat. I cooked it in a pan without liquid, without covering it, and without cooking it...
This simple, 1-hour roast is our favorite Christmas dish and voted most likely to be served if the President were to drop in for dinner- LOL! I love serving...
There are many variations of this recipe. My sister Helen, who lived in Cuba during the late 50's got this version from a cook in her employ. It is definitely...
A special crown roast with a regal cranberry apple stuffing. This roast will turn any dinner party into a special occasion and your guests will feel like...
A succulent, savory and sweet pork roast, ideally served over a vegetable rice or couscous. I love using spices as much as possible, so in this experiment...
Tender pork richly glazed with the sparkling taste of ginger and pomegranate juice. I recommend ginger marmalade if you can find it. Serve with apple sauce...
My grandfather's pot roast is the best. Flavorful, moist, and tender, this is worthy to be the centerpiece of the Sunday dinner table! Serve in a bowl...
When I lived in Chicago used to go to Cicero for a treat like this, served with steamed dumplings and mashed potatoes. Use the drippings to make an incredible...
This traditional crown roast recipe is intended for an 11-rib roast (about 5-1/2 pounds). This recipe is easily doubled since the stuffing makes enough...
Pork shoulder is a popular cut of meat, but it's almost always cooked until fork-tender, which, to your average cook, means 'falling apart.' This is fine...
Pork shoulder is a popular cut of meat, but it's almost always cooked until fork-tender, which, to your average cook, means 'falling apart.' This is fine...